Study on the impact of the FIFG* measures on the fish processing industry:

"(...) the Portuguese and Danish sub-contractors who have carried out an excellent work producing high standard and well-documented reports. (...) The reports of these sub-contractors should be used as models for the other country reports both with regards to the presentation of the results and to the level of analysis"
(...) Task 2 - This task has generally been poorly carried out by most of the countries. The Portuguese report, however, has provided a detailed analysis and very useful information. It should therefore be considered as a model for the other country reports"
(...) The set of indicators used by the Portuguese subcontractor as well as the format of the graphics could be considered as model for the other country reports."
Directorate-General Fisheries of the European Commission
Constantin Vamvakas, Head of Unit

* FIFG - Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance 1994-2006, a financial funding facility launched in 1994 by the European Commission to support the European fisheries sector.